When: Aug 1st - 3rd, 2025
Where: Courtenay Aquatic Centre, 377 Lerwick Road, Courtenay BC, V9N 9G4
This is a 3 day meet, which people can attend if they have swum a 50 in a competition this season! This unfortunately means no novices are allowed to attend this meet unless they have raced in a 50.
We select regional relays based on our registration system which can tell us the fastest possible relay! We may change our relays depending on how many swimmers we have registered for relays and if we have the possibility of qualifying both!
This meet is a qualification meet for provincials, meaning if you come top 3 or get a provincial qualifying time in the A final you can swim at provincials!
If you have any other questions please refer to the meet package below.
Meet Package: TBA
Provincial Qualifying Times:
Individual events: TBA
Relay events: TBA
Registration: TBA​
Volunteer Signup: TBA
Please remember that every family that attends regionals and provincials is expected to volunteer at the meet.
Sign up for time slots labelled with SPSC (Saanich Peninsula Swim Club)